Vouchers x

Give the gift of luxury...

Treat that special someone with a gift voucher for memorable moments at the King & Queen.

How about our 'room only' vouchers?

Left Wing Studio $250 per night
Business Suite $300 per night
Premium Suite $350 per night
Premium Lux, Anniversary, Queen Victoria or Left Wing Spa Suite $400 per night
King Henry Suite $550 per night

Or maybe let them choose with the gift a monetary voucher?

That means the amount of your choice can be spent towards accommodation and throughout the West End Precinct i.e., at any one of the participating restaurants, bars, and cafes.

How about combining one of our 'room only' vouchers with an all too delicious breakfast at Monica's?

How about...? The sky is the limit!

King & Queen gift vouchers are available to purchase directly from our reception.
Just pop in and see us, call or email the team to purchase a voucher.

06 757 2999


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